Friday, 25 January 2013


I like this photo because it demonstrates my love for space and it shows the cool things that technology can do and i love the lighting affects the photos quality

Friday, 11 January 2013


This photo caught my eye for one obvious reason there's TWO MASSIVE SWORDS and swords are awesome i also like how the man stood there gives the impression that he is thinking WHOA!!!!! And i also like the black and white texture

Real Life Troll Face

    This Boxing match gives birth to a Real life Troll face
    at my first glance this photo made me crumple my face but then i started to laugh as i pictured
   this to the really amusing meme icon the Troll face

Year 11 Photography unit

Hi I'm Rob Monk. I am doing an OCR unit in Media for Photography. I have already done two previous units for Media. Our two previous units were CD Covers and Magazines and a film unit were we had to do our own little film.In this unit we will be taking photos writing posts and post videos